More About Us
Pennsylvania Thinks ensures Pennsylvanians have a voice in our state’s HIV planning process. To do this, we gather small groups of adults in casual face-to-face meetings. These meetings employ a slightly modified version of the Conversation Cafés pioneered in 2001 by Seattle residents Susan Partnow, Habib Rose and Vicki Robin. In each of our Pennsylvania Thinks Conversation Cafés, participants talk about their perceptions and experiences to help answer three questions:
- What HIV services in Pennsylvania are working well just as they are?
- In what ways could Pennsylvania’s existing HIV services be improved?
- What HIV services in Pennsylvania are currently nonexistent but need to be started?
Click on the Events tab to see the list of upcoming Pennsylvania Thinks Conversation Cafés.
Click on the Learn More tab if you would like to learn more about Pennsylvania’s long-term plans to help prevent new HIV transmissions and to care for those who have acquired HIV.