Helping Pennsylvania think about the future of HIV prevention and care.

Pennsylvania Thinks is an initiative of the University of Pittsburgh’s HIV Prevention and Care Project (HPCP). The HPCP helps the State of Pennsylvania build comprehensive plans, both to help prevent new HIV transmissions and to help care for people who have acquired HIV . . .


Our Events page lists currently scheduled Conversation Cafés. Each is open to Pennsylvania residents 18+ years of age.

We are pleased to offer a $25.00 Amazon gift card to participants who register in advance, arrive on time, and stay for the entire event.



Before registering to attend a Pennsylvania Thinks Conversation Café, here are some important details . . .

Event code

To register for one of our Conversation Cafés, you will need a six-digit event code. Each event code is available on our Events page.

Knowledge of HIV

You do not need to be an expert about HIV prevention and care to participate in one of our Conversation Cafés. We are interested in hearing your thoughts, no matter how much you know about HIV prevention and care.


The information we collect from you helps us better understand who is participating in our Conversation Cafés. This information is held in strict confidence.

Learn More

No special training is required to participate in a Pennsylvania Thinks Conversation Café.

However, if you would like to learn more about the HIV pandemic and efforts to respond to it, we recommend the following . . .